Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Big Question: Does dieting really work, and will it endanger your health?

By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
Published: 11 April 2007

Why ask this now?
Fighting the flab may not only be pointless - it could be dangerous, too, according to one of the largest studies of the effects of dieting, published yesterday.

The review of 30 research papers involving thousands of slimmers found that though many of them succeed in shedding pounds while dieting, they pile the weight back on as soon as they stop, with most ending up heavier than they did to start with.

The University of California scientists who conducted the review, published in the journal American Psychologist, say this kind of yo-yo dieting may also be damaging to health. Research has shown repeated rapid weight gain and loss may increase the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and premature death. continue...

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