Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The best graduates are now becoming teachers

A new spirit of public service is abroad, and teaching is its purest expression
Published: 10 April 2007 

The annual teacher union conferences at Easter are an unchanged fixture in the school year. Yet look beyond and a quiet revolution is taking place in the classroom. Thanks to a decade of investment and reform, teaching is once again the career of choice for a large proportion of able graduates. Increased education spending has made possible a sizeable expansion of the profession. There are 36,000 more teachers than in 1997, and 92,000 more teaching assistants.

Extra spending has also made possible a 15 per cent real-terms increase in the average teacher salary since 1997, a 26 per cent real increase in the average headteacher salary, the introduction of training bursaries for PGCE students for the first time, extra "golden hellos" for maths and science graduates, and the creation of the National College for School Leadership to train headteachers. continue...

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