An Israeli woman was just killed by a Palestinian rocket from Gaza. If you haven’t heard about this tragedy, you’re not alone. Since Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Palestinian terrorists have fired more than 1,300 rockets into Israel — on a recent Tuesday alone, 24 rockets hit Israel, wounding 30 people.
Yet these attacks go largely unreported by the international media.
We know that the media usually decides that “if it bleeds, it leads” and “good news is no news.” The body count in Iraq and Lebanon is high and tragic. Yet how many more Israeli women need to be killed and how many more Israeli children wounded before the press starts to report on these unprovoked attacks?

That’s why I am writing you today.
The Israel Project (TIP) needs your help to educate the media about what is really going on in Israel, Gaza and the Palestinian territories. Please give today at .
Last week, as rockets fell onto Sderot, Calev Ben-David, who heads our office in Israel, was there on the ground with a bus full of journalists—who heard and saw the effects first-hand. The stories they reported reflected the terrible reality of the situation.
Meanwhile, Leah Soibel, one of our in-house terrorism experts, worked out of a Sderot bomb shelter — emailing facts to journalists around the world.
At the same time, with me in New York, Jennifer Packer, Michal Slawny, and others from our staff and board hosted Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman, at a press luncheon with more than 80 reporters. Ambassador Gillerman gave reporters the facts and context they needed to get the story right.
TIP’s French and German speaking staff went into overdrive to make sure that reporters in Europe——a frontline area of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism — had the facts they needed to accurately cover the Sderot story.
But much more must be done!

During the Second Lebanon War, TIP set up media centers in Northern Israel to provide journalists with sources, press briefings, background research, transportation, information on lodging and anything else they needed. Press coverage of the war was seen worldwide. And according to public opinion research, Israel was portrayed as defending herself and her citizens. Support for Israel in the United States increased. But with harmful media coverage, that support can once again wane.
Today we need to do much more in Sderot, the town being bombarded by rockets from Hamas, an Iranian-backed organization openly bent on Israel’s destruction. We need to act now to make sure Israel is again seen as defending her citizens against terror from the sky. International support is critical to Israel’s security.
Almost daily, Sderot suffers under a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza into civilian centers. But the world is mostly unaware because they don’t hear about these attacks on the news. Yet, when Israel does take action to defend herself, it’s on the front page of the paper and “breaking news” on television. If the world doesn’t know about the relentless terror attacks on Israeli civilians, then Israel will be seen as an aggressor and will once again be unfairly judged. Israel has learned this hard lesson too many times. We must not allow that to happen again.
We need to immediately get new media services set up in Sderot and around the world. But we can’t do it without you.
Your gift of $1,000, $500, $360, $100, or whatever you can afford, to The Israel Project will make a difference. Your gift will allow The Israel Project to get this story out and educate the world’s media.
With your support TIP will:
- Staff Sderot med ia services
- Host press briefings and conferences not only covering the rockets being shot into Sderot, but also on the root causes including the Palestinian culture of hate and the long arm of Iran
- Helicopter top journalists over the attack area so they can see Israel’s intense security challenges
- Train international victims of the rocket attacks to speak to the media, in multiple languages, so that the world can understand their suffering and the need to protect the people of Israel
- Shoot video and photos for journalists to use in their stories
- Take and distribute photos to illustrate newspaper articles
- Provide researched background information hourly to help journalists meet their deadlines
That’s why it is so important that you send in your contribution today. The media are already coming to Sderot and Gaza to cover this story. And your support will make sure they get the facts they need to present the truth.
Please help fund our media services by donating at .

Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi
Founder and President
The Israel Project
P.S. Make your contribution of $1,000, $500, $360, $100 or whatever you can afford at at today. Your gift will allow TIP to continue to educate the media on this and other stories and will give valuable support to Israeli families under the threat of attack from terrorist rockets.
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