The big night: Vincent Dowling (l.) and director Dave McLaughlin at the IFF Boston première of ‘On Broadway’ in Somerville, Mass. Courtesy of OnBroadwaythemovie.com
For indie filmmakers, the trick is finding an audience
In these digital days, anyone can direct. But with hundreds of microbudgeted movies made each year, the competition for exposure is fierce.
By Ethan Gilsdorf | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor
Boston - At the Independent Film Festival of Boston's première of "On Broadway," the ticket holder's line wraps around the block. Limos pull up to the Somerville Theatre, delivering cast members Joey (New Kids on the Block) McIntyre, Will ("Arrested Development") Arnett, and Eliza ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") Dushku. Even Boston Mayor Thomas Menino makes an appearance. continue...
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